Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Da Da....

Yep, he said it! Madden's offical 1st word is Daa daaa. Although he doesn't know what he is saying it is still cute to hear.... especially for daddy! He said it for the first time on sunday and is saying it more and more each day. Cal was a little sad because he wanted him to say Braa Braaa first. What a cute big brother he is.

Pics of the boys.....

Here are some pics of my 2 handsome boys! Some are from the Tempe Christmas parade, some from the park, St. Nick, Madden in an adorable snowman outfit, and then some other random ones. Hope you enjoy.........

Cal was a townsperson in the church play

Madden checking out what he got in his stocking from St. Nick!

Cal scored big this year from St. Nick! Must have been a good boy!


I know it has been quite a while since I updated the site. Gosh it hasn't been since Halloween. So I will give you the quick and dirty of what we have been up to since then. Madden is now 6 months old and just getting cuter and smarter by the day! I can't believe my little boy is already 6 months old!! He is taking his sweet ole' time with his milestones. I am not worried about him but, I have to say he is the lazy one out of the two. ha ha I guess he has big shoes to fill when it comes to McCallister! Cal was sitting up at 5 months and crawling and 6 months and one week! I know this was early for him to do these so I can't be too hard on Madden. :) Madden just started sitting alone about a week ago (still hasn't mastered the actual sitting up by himself yet, like I said he is my lazy bones) He loves when I sit him down on a blanket on the floor and surrounded him with all his fun toys! He will just sit and entertain himself for quite sometime! It is so cute to watch him play with all his different toys. So much to explore. It is a happy yet sad moment for me because as I said my baby just seems so grown up to me. I find myself thinking back, as I look at Madden, about when Cal was that age and how cute he was and how fun it was, as a 1st time mommy, seeing my 1st baby do all these fun things! We just had our 6 month checkup on Dec. 2ND and Madden is 16 pounds 3 ounces and 27 inches long. McCallister was 2 inches longer then him at this age. I hope Maddy isn't a shrimp :)Doc says he looks great! I am still nursing him along with feeding him solids. He is definitely a Banks Boy, the kid LOVES food! (Just like his Daddy!) He loves any and everything! He really enjoyed his 1st Thanksgiving because me and Gramma fed him his 1st Turkey Day meal! He enjoyed mashed taters', sweet taters', pumpkin pie, and whatever else we could smash up and let him taste! Then after he ate he passed out! Nothing like a nice and full belly! McCallister ate really good as well, but his favorite part was the pumpkin bars gramma made. They are my favorite too!!
The day after Thanksgiving I headed out for the Black Friday sales. Yes, my crazy self woke up at 5 and headed to the stores. I figured Madden was up to eat at 5 anyway so I fed him and then got him back to sleep, laid him by daddy, and went on to Toys-r-us! That was fun. I was sure tired though by like 9am but, no time to sleep got 2 boys to take care of. Just put myself on autopilot and carried on with the day!
Now on to Christmas stuff.....We put up our decorations and our tree last night and ended the night with a Christmas movie!! We have lots of stuff planned for Christmas events. We are going to see Santa, of course, see the Xmas lights, go to a beautiful Xmas play at a church in North Phoenix, zoo lights, and the list goes on and on. I love Christmas time and I like to celebrate and do fun Christmas related things all the way up to Christmas day! This year I will have a get together at my house on Xmas eve and go to my mom's on Xmas day. Then on the 27Th we head back home to WI to celebrate with Chad's family!
It will be interesting this year to see what Madden thinks of the tree, Santa, and the opening of gifts! I have a feeling he is going to be trying to put a lot of paper in his mouth!! I will take tons of pics of the family as per usual and share them!!
Well that is all for now! I will post some pics of the boys so you can see how big they are both getting!! The Banks Family wishes you all a safe and happy holiday season! We love and miss you all. Can't wait to visit everyone.