Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Let's not forget about Cal mom....

I feel bad I have been talking a lot about Madden and haven't mentioned much about my first baby! Well, OK so he's not a baby anymore but, he will always be my 1st baby! He's 6 now and in the 1st grade. He loves it! He is quite the social butterfly (gosh wonder where he gets that from :p ) He just had an event at school the other day called Nation Celebration where we celebrate the diversity within the school and embrace it! Everyone brings a dish to pass and dresses to represent their heritage. It is always a good time and lots of yummy food! We get there and boom he is gone, off socializing with all his little friends! Too cute. He kept saying mom I have to go say hi to my teachers, mom I see Heather I have to say hi.....etc. I guess I am glad he isn't shy. It is so cute to watch him interact with all his friends. Kids are too cute! McCallister decided to dress for his Irish heritage and Gramma made some Shepherds Pie for the event. (Which was a big hit by the way!) Even little brother Madden got in the spirit wearing a little Irish ensemble! I will post some pics!

Cal also started flag football this year and he is doing great! I am so proud of him. Every week he gets better and better! He got a flag his last two games and he was so excited about that! I have to admit, it's fun to see your little guy out there! I get quite excited myself, especially when he gets a flag! It was so cute at the lst game after he got the flag he said " I got that for you momma!"
Well I think I "blogged" enough for today....off to do some house cleaning!!

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